Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Birthday Boys.

So February is over, hallelujah. February has to be the longest short month ever. Snow, cold, and winter are surely going to dissipate within the next month...or two. I had never liked February. That is until our boys were both born in February.
There's really nothing much cuter than a one year old boy having a piece of birthday cake, or the excitement of a 4 year old boy opening a new bulldozer, farm implement, or other assorted "mighty machines". Thereby February has officially become a month that makes me mushy about my kids which is way better than irritated about the weather.
MAN have these kids changed in the last year. It would be really incredible if we were to continue to learn at that same rate as we do in our first year. Braeden has gone from completely immobile and dependant to a walking, running, climbing, gray hair for his mother making kind of guy. He can say a few words, definitely get his message across through actions and gestures. He's constantly learning and exploring things that are totally new to him. What a world that must be like.
Ryan has also learned and advanced in leaps and bounds. Between all the questions and that Leapster Explorer he's definitely surpassed my intelect level on a lot of topics...I'm still bigger than him though...for now.
So we had a collective birthday for them this weekend. With their birthdays just days apart I'm hoping we can do that for at least a couple years before they start to resent not having their own party. Maybe I'll really luck out and they'll always be happy to celebrate together. So far they seem to be darn good friends.
So here's some snippets
It seems like not very long ago that Ryan arrived

then shazam he was one

then two, and very excited to have cake.

we quickly skipped to three

and now how in the heck did he get to be four!?!?
Maybe if I just stop celebrating it he could stay four for a few years.

Braeden arrived and fit in like he's always been here.
Then shazam HE was one.
Braeden seemed to think cake was worth giving a go. I still can't believe he's one though.

we tried to get a picture with all 3 kids

but most of them ended up like this.

this pretty much sums up their relationship.

and here is my tooth.

I flew in help to make owl cupcakes...well I guess by flew in I mean picked up a talented cake decorator from the airport...A big thank you to my mother in law for being fabulous with icing.

So that's that. Birthdays for another year for the boys who make up 2/3 of my entertainment committee.

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